FiftyOne Teams is the enterprise version of the open source FiftyOne project. The FiftyoneTeams Helm chart is the recommended way to install and configure FiftyoneTeams on Kubernetes.
This page assumes general knowledge of Fiftyone Teams and how to use it. Please contact Voxel51 for more information regarding Fiftyone Teams.
FiftyOne Teams v2.0 introduces a new requirement for a license file. This license file should be obtained from your Customer Success Team before upgrading to FiftyOne Teams 2.0 or beyond.
Please refer to the upgrade documentation for steps on how to add your license file.
FiftyOne Teams v2.2 introduces some changes to delegated operators. Please refer to the upgrade documentation for steps on how to upgrade your delegated operators.
Helm and Kubectl must be installed and configured on your machine.
The following kubernetes/kubectl versions are required:
Kubernetes: >=1.18-0
However, it is recommended to use a supported kubernetes version. Please refer to the kubernetes installation documentation for steps on installing kubernetes and kubectl.
Helm version >= 3.14 is required.
Please refer to the helm installation documentation for steps on installing helm.
FiftyOne Teams v2.0 introduces a new requirement for a license file. This license file should be obtained from your Customer Success Team before upgrading to FiftyOne Teams 2.0 or beyond.
The license file now contains all of the Auth0 configuration that was
previously provided through kubernetes secrets; you may remove those secrets
from your values.yaml
and from any secrets created outside of the Voxel51
install process.
Use the license file provided by the Voxel51 Customer Success Team to create a new license file secret:
kubectl create namespace your-namespace-here
kubectl --namespace your-namepace-here create secret generic fiftyone-license \
We publish the following FiftyOne Teams private images to Docker Hub:
For Docker Hub credentials, please contact your Voxel51 support team.
If you are using the Voxel51 DockerHub registry to install your
container images, use these Voxel51-provided DockerHub credentials to
create an Image Pull Secret, and uncomment the imagePullSecrets
section of your values.yaml
kubectl --namespace your-namespace-here create secret generic \
regcred --from-file=.dockerconfigjson=./voxel51-docker.json \
To use the Helm chart, add the Fiftyone helm repository and check that you have access to the chart:
helm repo add voxel51
helm repo update voxel51
Finally, edit your values.yaml
file and install FiftyOne Teams:
helm install fiftyone-teams-app voxel51/fiftyone-teams-app \
--namespace your-namespace-here \
-f ./values.yaml
A minimal example values.yaml
may be found
Upgrades are more frequent than new installations.
The chart’s default behavior supports upgrades and the values.yaml
When performing an initial installation,
in your values.yaml
, set
After the initial installation, we recommend either commenting
this environment variable or changing the value to false
When performing an upgrade, please review Upgrading From Previous Versions.
FiftyOne Teams v2.2 introduces a builtin orchestrator to run Delegated Operations, instead of (or in addition to) configuring your own orchestrator such as Airflow.
For configuring your delegated operators, see Configuring Delegated Operators.
FiftyOne Teams v1.6 introduces the Central Authentication Service (CAS). CAS requires additional configurations and consumes additional resources. Please review these notes, and the Pluggable Authentication documentation before completing your upgrade.
Voxel51 recommends upgrading your deployment using
authentication mode
and migrating to
authentication mode
after confirming your initial upgrade was successful.
Please contact your Voxel51 customer success representative for assistance in migrating to internal mode.
The CAS service requires changes to your values.yaml
A brief summary of those changes include
secret to either
When using path-based routing, update your values.yaml
to include the rule (add it before the path: /
- path: /cas
pathType: Prefix
serviceName: teams-cas
servicePort: 80
FiftyOne Teams v1.3 introduced the capability to connect FiftyOne Teams SDKs through the FiftyOne Teams API (instead of direct MongoDB connection).
To enable the FiftyOne Teams Authenticated API, expose the FiftyOne Teams API endpoint and configure your SDK.
FiftyOne Teams v1.3 introduced significant enhancements for Plugins to customize and enhance functionality.
There are three modes for plugins
causing the app to be slow or crashteams-plugins
To use plugins with custom dependencies, build and use Custom Plugins Images.
To use the FiftyOne Teams UI to deploy plugins,
navigate to https://<DEPLOY_URL>/settings/plugins
Early-adopter plugins installed manually must
be redeployed using the FiftyOne Teams UI.
For configuring your plugins, see Configuring Plugins.
FiftyOne Teams supports routing traffic through proxy servers. Please refer to the proxy configuration documentation for information on how to configure proxies.
Since version v1.5, FiftyOne Teams supports archiving snapshots to cold storage locations to prevent filling up the MongoDB database. Supported locations are network mounted filesystems and cloud storage folders.
Please refer to the snapshot archival configuration documentation for configuring snapshot archival.
Pods based on the fiftyone-teams-api
and fiftyone-app
images must include the FIFTYONE_ENCRYPTION_KEY
This key is used to encrypt storage credentials in the MongoDB database.
To generate a value for secret.fiftyone.encryptionKey
, run this
Python code and add the output to your values.yaml
override file,
or to your deployment’s secret
from cryptography.fernet import Fernet
Voxel51 does not have access to this encryption key and cannot reproduce it. Please store this key in a safe place. If the key is lost, you will need to
Users with Admin
permissions may use the FiftyOne Teams UI to manage storage
credentials by navigating to https://<DEPOY_URL>/settings/cloud_storage_credentials
If added via the UI, storage credentials no longer need to be mounted into pods or provided via environment variables.
FiftyOne Teams continues to support the use of environment variables to set storage credentials in the application context and is providing an alternate configuration path.
Since version v1.2, FiftyOne Teams supports using text similarity
searches for images that are indexed with a model that
supports text queries.
Use the Voxel51 provided image fiftyone-app-torch
build your own base image including torch
To override the default image, add
to your values.yaml
For example,
repository: voxel51/fiftyone-app-torch
Key | Type | Default | Description |
apiSettings.affinity | object | {} |
Affinity and anti-affinity for teams-api. Reference. |
apiSettings.dnsName | string | "" |
Controls whether teams-api is added to the chart’s ingress. When an empty string, a rule for teams-api is not added to the chart managed ingress. When not an empty string, becomes the value to the host in the ingress’ rule and set ingress.api too. |
apiSettings.env.FIFTYONE_ENV | string | "production" |
Controls FiftyOne GraphQL verbosity. When “production”, debug mode is disabled and the default logging level is “INFO”. When “development”, debug mode is enabled and the default logging level is “DEBUG”. Can be overridden by setting apiSettings.env.LOGGING_LEVEL . |
apiSettings.env.FIFTYONE_INTERNAL_SERVICE | bool | true |
Whether the SDK is running in an internal service context. When running in FiftyOne Teams, set to true . |
apiSettings.env.GRAPHQL_DEFAULT_LIMIT | int | 10 |
Default number of returned items when listing in GraphQL queries. Can be overridden in the request. |
apiSettings.env.LOGGING_LEVEL | string | "INFO" |
Logging level. Overrides the value of FIFTYONE_ENV . Can be one of “DEBUG”, “INFO”, “WARN”, “ERROR”, or “CRITICAL”. |
apiSettings.image.pullPolicy | string | "Always" |
Instruct when the kubelet should pull (download) the specified image. One of IfNotPresent , Always or Never . Reference. |
apiSettings.image.repository | string | "voxel51/fiftyone-teams-api" |
Container image for the teams-api. |
apiSettings.image.tag | string | "" |
Image tag for teams-api. Defaults to the chart version. |
apiSettings.initContainers.enabled | bool | true |
Whether to enable init containers for teams-api. Reference. |
apiSettings.initContainers.image.repository | string | "" |
Init container images repositories for teams-api. Reference. |
apiSettings.initContainers.image.tag | string | "stable-glibc" |
Init container images tags for teams-api. Reference. |
apiSettings.labels | object | {} |
Additional labels for the teams-api deployment. Reference. |
apiSettings.nodeSelector | object | {} |
nodeSelector for teams-api. Reference. |
apiSettings.podAnnotations | object | {} |
Annotations for pods for teams-api. Reference. |
apiSettings.podSecurityContext | object | {} |
Pod-level security attributes and common container settings for teams-api. Reference. |
apiSettings.resources | object | {"limits":{},"requests":{}} |
Container resource requests and limits for teams-api. Reference. |
apiSettings.secretEnv | object | {} |
Secret variables to be passed to the teams-api containers. |
apiSettings.securityContext | object | {} |
Container security configuration for teams-api. Reference. |
apiSettings.service.annotations | object | {} |
Service annotations for teams-api. Reference. |
apiSettings.service.containerPort | int | 8000 |
Service container port for teams-api. | | string | "teams-api" |
Service name. |
apiSettings.service.nodePort | int | nil |
Service nodePort set only when apiSettings.service.type: NodePort for teams-api. |
apiSettings.service.port | int | 80 |
Service port for teams-api. |
apiSettings.service.shortname | string | "teams-api" |
Port name (maximum length is 15 characters) for teams-api. Reference. |
apiSettings.service.startup.failureThreshold | int | 5 |
Number of times to retry the startup probe for the teams-api. Reference. |
apiSettings.service.startup.periodSeconds | int | 15 |
How often (in seconds) to perform the startup probe for teams-api. Reference. |
apiSettings.service.type | string | "ClusterIP" |
Service type for teams-api. Reference. |
apiSettings.tolerations | list | [] |
Allow the k8s scheduler to schedule pods with matching taints for teams-api. Reference. |
apiSettings.topologySpreadConstraints | list | [] |
Control how Pods are spread across your distributed footprint. Label selectors will be defaulted to those of the teams-api deployment. Reference. |
apiSettings.volumeMounts | list | [] |
Volume mounts for teams-api. Reference. |
apiSettings.volumes | list | [] |
Volumes for teams-api. Reference. |
appSettings.affinity | object | {} |
Affinity and anti-affinity for fiftyone-app. Reference. |
appSettings.autoscaling.enabled | bool | false |
Controls horizontal pod autoscaling for fiftyone-app. Reference. |
appSettings.autoscaling.maxReplicas | int | 20 |
Maximum replicas for horizontal pod autoscaling for fiftyone-app. |
appSettings.autoscaling.minReplicas | int | 2 |
Minimum Replicas for horizontal pod autoscaling for fiftyone-app. |
appSettings.autoscaling.targetCPUUtilizationPercentage | int | 80 |
Percent CPU utilization for autoscaling for fiftyone-app. |
appSettings.autoscaling.targetMemoryUtilizationPercentage | int | 80 |
Percent memory utilization for autoscaling for fiftyone-app. |
appSettings.env.FIFTYONE_DATABASE_ADMIN | bool | false |
Controls whether the client is allowed to trigger database migrations. Reference. |
appSettings.env.FIFTYONE_INTERNAL_SERVICE | bool | true |
Whether the SDK is running in an internal service context. When running in FiftyOne Teams, set to true . |
appSettings.env.FIFTYONE_MEDIA_CACHE_APP_IMAGES | bool | false |
Controls whether cloud media images will be downloaded and added to the local cache upon viewing media in the app. |
appSettings.env.FIFTYONE_MEDIA_CACHE_SIZE_BYTES | int | -1 |
Set the media cache size (in bytes) for the local FiftyOne App processes. The default value is 32 GiB. -1 is disabled. |
appSettings.env.FIFTYONE_SIGNED_URL_EXPIRATION | int | 24 |
Set the time-to-live for signed URLs generated by the application in hours |
appSettings.image.pullPolicy | string | "Always" |
Instruct when the kubelet should pull (download) the specified image. One of IfNotPresent , Always or Never . Reference. |
appSettings.image.repository | string | "voxel51/fiftyone-app" |
Container image for fiftyone-app. |
appSettings.image.tag | string | "" |
Image tag for fiftyone-app. Defaults to the chart version. |
appSettings.initContainers.enabled | bool | true |
Whether to enable init containers for fiftyone-app. Reference. |
appSettings.initContainers.image.repository | string | "" |
Init container images repositories for fiftyone-app. Reference. |
appSettings.initContainers.image.tag | string | "stable-glibc" |
Init container images tags for fiftyone-app. Reference. |
appSettings.labels | object | {} |
Additional labels for the fiftyone-app deployment. Reference. |
appSettings.nodeSelector | object | {} |
nodeSelector for fiftyone-app. Reference. |
appSettings.podAnnotations | object | {} |
Annotations for pods for fiftyone-app. Reference. |
appSettings.podSecurityContext | object | {} |
Pod-level security attributes and common container settings for fiftyone-app. Reference. |
appSettings.replicaCount | int | 2 |
Number of pods in the fiftyone-app deployment’s ReplicaSet. Ignored when appSettings.autoscaling.enabled: true . Reference. |
appSettings.resources | object | {"limits":{},"requests":{}} |
Container resource requests and limits for fiftyone-app. Reference. |
appSettings.secretEnv | object | {} |
Secret variables to be passed to the fiftyone-app containers. |
appSettings.securityContext | object | {} |
Container security configuration for fiftyone-app. Reference. |
appSettings.service.annotations | object | {} |
Service annotations for fiftyone-app. Reference. |
appSettings.service.containerPort | int | 5151 |
Service container port for fiftyone-app. | | string | "fiftyone-app" |
Service name. |
appSettings.service.nodePort | int | nil |
Service nodePort set only when appSettings.service.type: NodePort for fiftyone-app. |
appSettings.service.port | int | 80 |
Service port. |
appSettings.service.shortname | string | "fiftyone-app" |
Port name (maximum length is 15 characters) for fiftyone-app. Reference. |
appSettings.service.startup.failureThreshold | int | 5 |
Number of times to retry the startup probe for the fiftyone-app. Reference. |
appSettings.service.startup.periodSeconds | int | 15 |
How often (in seconds) to perform the startup probe for fiftyone-app. Reference. |
appSettings.service.type | string | "ClusterIP" |
Service type for fiftyone-app. Reference. |
appSettings.tolerations | list | [] |
Allow the k8s scheduler to schedule fiftyone-app pods with matching taints. Reference. |
appSettings.topologySpreadConstraints | list | [] |
Control how Pods are spread across your distributed footprint. Label selectors will be defaulted to those of the fiftyone-app deployment. Reference. |
appSettings.volumeMounts | list | [] |
Volume mounts for fiftyone-app. Reference. |
appSettings.volumes | list | [] |
Volumes for fiftyone-app. Reference. |
casSettings.affinity | object | {} |
Affinity and anti-affinity for teams-cas. Reference. |
casSettings.enable_invitations | bool | true |
Allow ADMINs to invite users by email NOTE: This is currently not supported when FIFTYONE_AUTH_MODE: internal |
casSettings.env.CAS_DATABASE_NAME | string | "cas" |
Provide the name for the CAS database. When multiple deployments use the same database instance, set CAS_DATABASE_NAME to a unique value for each deployment. |
casSettings.env.CAS_DEFAULT_USER_ROLE | string | "GUEST" |
Set the default user role for new users One of GUEST , COLLABORATOR , MEMBER , ADMIN |
casSettings.env.CAS_MONGODB_URI_KEY | string | "mongodbConnectionString" |
The key from that contains the CAS MongoDB Connection String. |
casSettings.env.DEBUG | string | "cas:*,-cas:*:debug" |
Set the log level for CAS examples: DEBUG: cas:* - shows all CAS logs DEBUG: cas:*:info - shows all CAS INFO logs DEBUG: cas:*,-cas:*:debug - shows all CAS logs except DEBUG logs |
casSettings.env.FIFTYONE_AUTH_MODE | string | "legacy" |
Configure Authentication Mode. One of legacy or internal |
casSettings.image.pullPolicy | string | "Always" |
Instruct when the kubelet should pull (download) the specified image. One of IfNotPresent , Always or Never . Reference. |
casSettings.image.repository | string | "voxel51/fiftyone-teams-cas" |
Container image for teams-cas. |
casSettings.image.tag | string | "" |
Image tag for teams-cas. Defaults to the chart version. |
casSettings.initContainers.enabled | bool | true |
Whether to enable init containers for teams-cas. Reference. |
casSettings.initContainers.image.repository | string | "" |
Init container images repositories for teams-cas. Reference. |
casSettings.initContainers.image.tag | string | "stable-glibc" |
Init container images tags for teams-cas. Reference. |
casSettings.labels | object | {} |
Additional labels for the teams-cas deployment. Reference. |
casSettings.nodeSelector | object | {} |
nodeSelector for teams-cas. Reference. |
casSettings.podAnnotations | object | {} |
Annotations for pods for teams-cas. Reference. |
casSettings.podSecurityContext | object | {} |
Pod-level security attributes and common container settings for teams-cas. Reference. |
casSettings.replicaCount | int | 2 |
Number of pods in the teams-cas deployment’s ReplicaSet. Reference. |
casSettings.resources | object | {"limits":{},"requests":{}} |
Container resource requests and limits for teams-cas. Reference. |
casSettings.secretEnv | object | {} |
Secret variables to be passed to the teams-cas containers. |
casSettings.securityContext | object | {} |
Container security configuration for teams-cas. Reference. |
casSettings.service.annotations | object | {} |
Service annotations for teams-cas. Reference. |
casSettings.service.containerPort | int | 3000 |
Service container port for teams-cas. | | string | "teams-cas" |
Service name. |
casSettings.service.nodePort | int | nil |
Service nodePort set only when casSettings.service.type: NodePort for teams-cas. |
casSettings.service.port | int | 80 |
Service port. |
casSettings.service.shortname | string | "teams-cas" |
Port name (maximum length is 15 characters) for teams-cas. Reference. |
casSettings.service.startup.failureThreshold | int | 5 |
Number of times to retry the startup probe for the teams-cas. Reference. |
casSettings.service.startup.periodSeconds | int | 15 |
How often (in seconds) to perform the startup probe for teams-cas. Reference. |
casSettings.service.type | string | "ClusterIP" |
Service type for teams-cas. Reference. |
casSettings.tolerations | list | [] |
Allow the k8s scheduler to schedule teams-cas pods with matching taints. Reference. |
casSettings.topologySpreadConstraints | list | [] |
Control how Pods are spread across your distributed footprint. Label selectors will be defaulted to those of the teams-cas deployment. Reference. |
casSettings.volumeMounts | list | [] |
Volume mounts for teams-cas. Reference. |
casSettings.volumes | list | [] |
Volumes for teams-cas. Reference. |
delegatedOperatorExecutorSettings.affinity | object | {} |
Affinity and anti-affinity for delegated-operator-executor. Reference. |
delegatedOperatorExecutorSettings.enabled | bool | false |
Controls whether to create a dedicated “teams-do” deployment. Disabled by default, meaning delegated operations will not be executed without an external executor system. |
delegatedOperatorExecutorSettings.env.FIFTYONE_DELEGATED_OPERATION_RUN_LINK_PATH | string | "" |
Full path to a network-mounted file system or a cloud storage path to use for storing logs generated by delegated operation runs, one file per job. The default "" means log upload is disabled. |
delegatedOperatorExecutorSettings.env.FIFTYONE_INTERNAL_SERVICE | bool | true |
Whether the SDK is running in an internal service context. When running in FiftyOne Teams, set to true . |
delegatedOperatorExecutorSettings.env.FIFTYONE_MEDIA_CACHE_SIZE_BYTES | int | -1 |
Set the media cache size (in bytes) for the local FiftyOne Delegated Operator Executor processes. The default value is 32 GiB. -1 is disabled. |
delegatedOperatorExecutorSettings.image.pullPolicy | string | "Always" |
Instruct when the kubelet should pull (download) the specified image. One of IfNotPresent , Always or Never . Reference. |
delegatedOperatorExecutorSettings.image.repository | string | "voxel51/fiftyone-app" |
Container image for delegated-operator-executor. |
delegatedOperatorExecutorSettings.image.tag | string | "" |
Image tag for delegated-operator-executor. Defaults to the chart version. |
delegatedOperatorExecutorSettings.labels | object | {} |
Additional labels for the delegated-operator-executor deployment. Reference. |
delegatedOperatorExecutorSettings.liveness.failureThreshold | int | 5 |
Number of times to retry the liveness probe for the teams-do. Reference. |
delegatedOperatorExecutorSettings.liveness.periodSeconds | int | 30 |
How often (in seconds) to perform the liveness probe for teams-do. Reference. |
delegatedOperatorExecutorSettings.liveness.timeoutSeconds | int | 30 |
Timeout for the liveness probe for the teams-do. Reference. | | string | "teams-do" |
Deployment name |
delegatedOperatorExecutorSettings.nodeSelector | object | {} |
nodeSelector for delegated-operator-executor. Reference. |
delegatedOperatorExecutorSettings.podAnnotations | object | {} |
Annotations for delegated-operator-executor pods. Reference. |
delegatedOperatorExecutorSettings.podSecurityContext | object | {} |
Pod-level security attributes and common container settings for delegated-operator-executor. Reference. |
delegatedOperatorExecutorSettings.readiness | object | {"failureThreshold":5,"periodSeconds":30,"timeoutSeconds":30} |
Container security configuration for delegated-operator-executor. Reference. |
delegatedOperatorExecutorSettings.readiness.failureThreshold | int | 5 |
Number of times to retry the readiness probe for the teams-do. Reference. |
delegatedOperatorExecutorSettings.readiness.periodSeconds | int | 30 |
How often (in seconds) to perform the readiness probe for teams-do. Reference. |
delegatedOperatorExecutorSettings.readiness.timeoutSeconds | int | 30 |
Timeout for the readiness probe for the teams-do. Reference. |
delegatedOperatorExecutorSettings.replicaCount | int | 3 |
Number of pods in the delegated-operator-executor deployment’s ReplicaSet. This should not exceed the value set in the deployment’s license file for max concurrent delegated operators, which defaults to 3. |
delegatedOperatorExecutorSettings.resources | object | {"limits":{},"requests":{}} |
Container resource requests and limits for delegated-operator-executor. Reference. |
delegatedOperatorExecutorSettings.secretEnv | object | {} |
Secret variables to be passed to the delegated-operator-executor containers. |
delegatedOperatorExecutorSettings.securityContext | object | {} |
delegatedOperatorExecutorSettings.startup.failureThreshold | int | 5 |
Number of times to retry the startup probe for the teams-do. Reference. |
delegatedOperatorExecutorSettings.startup.periodSeconds | int | 30 |
How often (in seconds) to perform the startup probe for teams-do. Reference. |
delegatedOperatorExecutorSettings.startup.timeoutSeconds | int | 30 |
Timeout for the startup probe for the teams-do. Reference. |
delegatedOperatorExecutorSettings.tolerations | list | [] |
Allow the k8s scheduler to schedule delegated-operator-executor pods with matching taints. Reference. |
delegatedOperatorExecutorSettings.volumeMounts | list | [] |
Volume mounts for delegated-operator-executor pods. Reference. |
delegatedOperatorExecutorSettings.volumes | list | [] |
Volumes for delegated-operator-executor. Reference. |
fiftyoneLicenseSecrets | list | ["fiftyone-license"] |
List of secrets for FiftyOne Teams Licenses (one per org) |
imagePullSecrets | list | [] |
Container image registry keys. Reference. |
ingress.annotations | object | {} |
Ingress annotations. Reference. |
ingress.api | object | {"path":"/*","pathType":"ImplementationSpecific"} |
The ingress rule values for teams-api, when apiSettings.dnsName is not empty. Reference. |
ingress.className | string | "" |
Name of the ingress class. When empty, a default Ingress class should be defined. When not empty and Kubernetes version is >1.18.0, this value will be the Ingress class name. Reference |
ingress.enabled | bool | true |
Controls whether to create the ingress. When false , uses a pre-existing ingress. Reference. |
ingress.labels | object | {} |
Additional labels for the ingress. Reference. |
ingress.paths | list | [{"path":"/cas","pathType":"Prefix","serviceName":"teams-cas","servicePort":80},{"path":"/*","pathType":"ImplementationSpecific","serviceName":"teams-app","servicePort":80}] |
Additional ingress rules for the host teamsAppSettings.dnsName for the chart managed ingress (when ingress.enabled: true ). Reference. |
ingress.paths[0] | object | {"path":"/cas","pathType":"Prefix","serviceName":"teams-cas","servicePort":80} |
Ingress path for teams-cas |
ingress.paths[0].pathType | string | "Prefix" |
Ingress path type |
ingress.paths[0].serviceName | string | "teams-cas" |
Ingress path service name |
ingress.paths[0].servicePort | int | 80 |
Ingress path service port |
ingress.paths[1] | object | {"path":"/*","pathType":"ImplementationSpecific","serviceName":"teams-app","servicePort":80} |
Ingress path for teams-app |
ingress.paths[1].pathType | string | "ImplementationSpecific" |
Ingress path type |
ingress.paths[1].serviceName | string | "teams-app" |
Ingress path service name |
ingress.paths[1].servicePort | int | 80 |
Ingress path service port |
ingress.tlsEnabled | bool | true |
Controls whether the chart managed ingress contains a spec.tls stanza. |
ingress.tlsSecretName | string | "fiftyone-teams-tls-secret" |
Name of secret containing TLS certificate for teams-app. Certificate should contain the host names apiSettings.dnsName and teamsAppSettings.dnsName . When ingress.tlsEnabled=True , sets’s the value of ingress’ spec.tls[0].secretName . |
namespace.create | bool | false |
Controls whether to create the namespace. When false , the namespace must already exists. | | string | "fiftyone-teams" |
The namespace name used for chart resources. |
pluginsSettings.affinity | object | {} |
Affinity and anti-affinity for teams-plugins. Reference. |
pluginsSettings.autoscaling.enabled | bool | false |
Controls horizontal pod autoscaling for teams-plugins. Reference. |
pluginsSettings.autoscaling.maxReplicas | int | 20 |
Maximum replicas for horizontal pod autoscaling for teams-plugins. |
pluginsSettings.autoscaling.minReplicas | int | 2 |
Minimum Replicas for horizontal pod autoscaling for teams-plugins. |
pluginsSettings.autoscaling.targetCPUUtilizationPercentage | int | 80 |
Percent CPU utilization for autoscaling for teams-plugins. |
pluginsSettings.autoscaling.targetMemoryUtilizationPercentage | int | 80 |
Percent memory utilization for autoscaling for teams-plugins. |
pluginsSettings.enabled | bool | false |
Controls whether to create a dedicated “teams-plugins” deployment. |
pluginsSettings.env.FIFTYONE_INTERNAL_SERVICE | bool | true |
Whether the SDK is running in an internal service context. When running in FiftyOne Teams, set to true . |
pluginsSettings.env.FIFTYONE_MEDIA_CACHE_APP_IMAGES | bool | false |
Controls whether cloud media images will be downloaded and added to the local cache upon viewing media in the app. |
pluginsSettings.env.FIFTYONE_MEDIA_CACHE_SIZE_BYTES | int | -1 |
Set the media cache size (in bytes) for the local FiftyOne Plugins processes. The default value is 32 GiB. -1 is disabled. |
pluginsSettings.image.pullPolicy | string | "Always" |
Instruct when the kubelet should pull (download) the specified image. One of IfNotPresent , Always or Never . Reference. |
pluginsSettings.image.repository | string | "voxel51/fiftyone-app" |
Container image for teams-plugins. |
pluginsSettings.image.tag | string | "" |
Image tag for teams-plugins. Defaults to the chart version. |
pluginsSettings.initContainers.enabled | bool | true |
Whether to enable init containers for teams-plugins. Reference. |
pluginsSettings.initContainers.image.repository | string | "" |
Init container images repositories for teams-plugins. Reference. |
pluginsSettings.initContainers.image.tag | string | "stable-glibc" |
Init container images tags for teams-plugins. Reference. |
pluginsSettings.labels | object | {} |
Additional labels for the teams-plugins deployment. Reference. |
pluginsSettings.nodeSelector | object | {} |
nodeSelector for teams-plugins. Reference. |
pluginsSettings.podAnnotations | object | {} |
Annotations for teams-plugins pods. Reference. |
pluginsSettings.podSecurityContext | object | {} |
Pod-level security attributes and common container settings for teams-plugins. Reference. |
pluginsSettings.replicaCount | int | 2 |
Number of pods in the teams-plugins deployment’s ReplicaSet. Ignored when pluginsSettings.autoscaling.enabled: true . Reference. |
pluginsSettings.resources | object | {"limits":{},"requests":{}} |
Container resource requests and limits for teams-plugins. Reference. |
pluginsSettings.secretEnv | object | {} |
Secret variables to be passed to the teams-plugins containers. |
pluginsSettings.securityContext | object | {} |
Container security configuration for teams-plugins. Reference. |
pluginsSettings.service.annotations | object | {} |
Service annotations for teams-plugins. Reference. |
pluginsSettings.service.containerPort | int | 5151 |
Service container port for teams-plugins. | | string | "teams-plugins" |
Service name. |
pluginsSettings.service.nodePort | int | nil |
Service nodePort set only when pluginsSettings.service.type: NodePort for teams-plugins. |
pluginsSettings.service.port | int | 80 |
Service port. |
pluginsSettings.service.shortname | string | "teams-plugins" |
Port name (maximum length is 15 characters) for teams-plugins. Reference. |
pluginsSettings.service.startup.failureThreshold | int | 5 |
Number of times to retry the startup probe for the teams-plugins. Reference. |
pluginsSettings.service.startup.periodSeconds | int | 15 |
How often (in seconds) to perform the startup probe for teams-plugins. Reference. |
pluginsSettings.service.type | string | "ClusterIP" |
Service type for teams-plugins. Reference. |
pluginsSettings.tolerations | list | [] |
Allow the k8s scheduler to schedule teams-plugins pods with matching taints. Reference. |
pluginsSettings.topologySpreadConstraints | list | [] |
Control how Pods are spread across your distributed footprint. Label selectors will be defaulted to those of the teams-plugins deployment. Reference. |
pluginsSettings.volumeMounts | list | [] |
Volume mounts for teams-plugins pods. Reference. |
pluginsSettings.volumes | list | [] |
Volumes for teams-plugins. Reference. |
secret.create | bool | true |
Controls whether to create the secret named . |
secret.fiftyone.cookieSecret | string | "" |
A randomly generated string for cookie encryption. To generate, run openssl rand -hex 32 . |
secret.fiftyone.encryptionKey | string | "" |
Encryption key for storage credentials. Reference. |
secret.fiftyone.fiftyoneAuthSecret | string | "" |
A randomly generated string for CAS Authentication. This can be any string you care to use generated by any mechanism you prefer. This is used for inter-service authentication and for the SuperUser to authenticate at the CAS UI to configure the Central Authentication Service. |
secret.fiftyone.fiftyoneDatabaseName | string | "" |
MongoDB Database Name for FiftyOne Teams. |
secret.fiftyone.mongodbConnectionString | string | "" |
MongoDB Connection String. Reference. | | string | "fiftyone-teams-secrets" |
Name of the secret (existing or to be created) in the namespace . |
serviceAccount.annotations | object | {} |
Service Account annotations. Reference. |
serviceAccount.create | bool | true |
Controls whether to create the service account named . | | string | "fiftyone-teams" |
Name of the service account (existing or to be created) in the namespace used for deployments. Reference. |
teamsAppSettings.affinity | object | {} |
Affinity and anti-affinity for teams-app. Reference. |
teamsAppSettings.autoscaling.enabled | bool | false |
Controls horizontal pod autoscaling for teams-app. Reference. |
teamsAppSettings.autoscaling.maxReplicas | int | 5 |
Maximum Replicas for horizontal autoscaling for teams-app. |
teamsAppSettings.autoscaling.minReplicas | int | 2 |
Minimum Replicas for horizontal autoscaling for teams-app. |
teamsAppSettings.autoscaling.targetCPUUtilizationPercentage | int | 80 |
Percent CPU utilization for autoscaling for teams-app. |
teamsAppSettings.autoscaling.targetMemoryUtilizationPercentage | int | 80 |
Percent memory utilization for autoscaling for teams-app. |
teamsAppSettings.dnsName | string | "" |
DNS Name for the teams-app service. Used in the chart managed ingress (spec.tls.hosts and spec.rules[0].host ) |
teamsAppSettings.env.APP_USE_HTTPS | bool | true |
Controls the protocol of the teams-app. Configure your ingress to match. When true , uses the https protocol. When false , uses the http protocol. |
teamsAppSettings.env.FIFTYONE_APP_ALLOW_MEDIA_EXPORT | bool | true |
When false , disables media export options |
teamsAppSettings.env.FIFTYONE_APP_ANONYMOUS_ANALYTICS_ENABLED | bool | true |
Controls whether anonymous analytics are captured for the teams application. Set to false to opt-out of anonymous analytics. |
teamsAppSettings.env.FIFTYONE_APP_DEFAULT_QUERY_PERFORMANCE | bool | true |
Controls whether Query Performance mode is enabled by default for every dataset for the teams application. Set to false to set default mode to off. |
teamsAppSettings.env.FIFTYONE_APP_ENABLE_QUERY_PERFORMANCE | bool | true |
Controls whether Query Performance mode is enabled for the teams application. Set to false to disable Query Performance mode for entire application. |
teamsAppSettings.env.FIFTYONE_APP_TEAMS_SDK_RECOMMENDED_VERSION | string | "2.3.0" |
The recommended fiftyone SDK version that will be displayed in the install modal (i.e. pip install ... fiftyone==0.11.0 ). |
teamsAppSettings.env.FIFTYONE_APP_THEME | string | "dark" |
The default theme configuration. dark : Theme will be dark when user visits for the first time. light : Theme will be light theme when user visits for the first time. always-dark : Sets dark theme on each refresh (overrides user theme changes in the app). always-light : Sets light theme on each refresh (overrides user theme changes in the app). |
teamsAppSettings.env.RECOIL_DUPLICATE_ATOM_KEY_CHECKING_ENABLED | bool | false |
Disable duplicate atom/selector key checking that generated false-positive errors. Reference. |
teamsAppSettings.fiftyoneApiOverride | string | "" |
Overrides the FIFTYONE_API_URI environment variable. When set FIFTYONE_API_URI controls the value shown in the API Key Modal providing guidance for connecting to the FiftyOne Teams API. FIFTYONE_API_URI uses the value from apiSettings.dnsName if it is set, or uses the teamsAppSettings.dnsName |
teamsAppSettings.image.pullPolicy | string | "Always" |
Instruct when the kubelet should pull (download) the specified image. One of IfNotPresent , Always or Never . Reference]image-pull-policy. |
teamsAppSettings.image.repository | string | "voxel51/fiftyone-teams-app" |
Container image for teams-app. |
teamsAppSettings.image.tag | string | "" |
Image tag for teams-app. Defaults to the chart version. |
teamsAppSettings.initContainers.enabled | bool | true |
Whether to enable init containers for teams-app. Reference. |
teamsAppSettings.initContainers.image.repository | string | "" |
Init container images repositories for teams-app. Reference. |
teamsAppSettings.initContainers.image.tag | string | "stable-glibc" |
Init container images tags for teams-app. Reference. |
teamsAppSettings.labels | object | {} |
Additional labels for the teams-app deployment. Reference. |
teamsAppSettings.nodeSelector | object | {} |
nodeSelector for teams-app. Reference. |
teamsAppSettings.podAnnotations | object | {} |
Annotations for teams-app pods. Reference. |
teamsAppSettings.podSecurityContext | object | {} |
Pod-level security attributes and common container settings for teams-app. Reference. |
teamsAppSettings.replicaCount | int | 2 |
Number of pods in the teams-app deployment’s ReplicaSet. Ignored when teamsAppSettings.autoscaling.enabled: true . Reference. |
teamsAppSettings.resources | object | {"limits":{},"requests":{}} |
Container resource requests and limits for teams-app. Reference. |
teamsAppSettings.secretEnv | object | {} |
Secret variables to be passed to the teams-app containers. |
teamsAppSettings.securityContext | object | {} |
Container security configuration for teams-app. Reference. |
teamsAppSettings.service.annotations | object | {} |
Service annotations for teams-app. Reference. |
teamsAppSettings.service.containerPort | int | 3000 |
Service container port for teams-app. | | string | "teams-app" |
Service name. |
teamsAppSettings.service.nodePort | int | nil |
Service nodePort set only when teamsAppSettings.service.type: NodePort for teams-app. |
teamsAppSettings.service.port | int | 80 |
Service port. |
teamsAppSettings.service.shortname | string | "teams-app" |
Port name (maximum length is 15 characters) for teams-app. Reference. |
teamsAppSettings.service.startup.failureThreshold | int | 5 |
Number of times to retry the startup probe for the teams-app. Reference. |
teamsAppSettings.service.startup.periodSeconds | int | 15 |
How often (in seconds) to perform the startup probe for teams-app. Reference. |
teamsAppSettings.service.type | string | "ClusterIP" |
Service type for teams-app. Reference. |
teamsAppSettings.tolerations | list | [] |
Allow the k8s scheduler to schedule teams-app pods with matching taints. Reference. |
teamsAppSettings.topologySpreadConstraints | list | [] |
Control how Pods are spread across your distributed footprint. Label selectors will be defaulted to those of the teams-app deployment. Reference. |
teamsAppSettings.volumeMounts | list | [] |
Volume mounts for teams-app pods. Reference. |
teamsAppSettings.volumes | list | [] |
Volumes for teams-app pods. Reference. |
Voxel51 FiftyOne Teams supports
Workload Identity Federation for GKE
when installing via Helm into Google Kubernetes Engine (GKE).
Workload Identity is achieved using service account annotations
that can be defined in the values.yaml
file when installing
or upgrading the application.
Please follow the steps outlined by Google to allow your cluster to utilize workload identity federation and to create a service account with the required IAM permissions.
Once the cluster and service account are configured, you can permit your
workloads to utilize the GCP service account via service account annotations
defined in the values.yaml
annotations: <GSA_NAME>@<GSA_PROJECT>